Welcome to Official Website of

St. Joseph's College - Anuradhapura

St. Joseph’s College, a premier school in Anuradhapura district, has been fulfilling its responsibility for nearly 125 years in providing education to more than 30,000 students...

Our History










Our Mission

Our Mission is to have progress inknowledge, skills,competencies and broadening positive attidudes which can be utilized as well as by the student himself and applicable in global sence which produces an outcome of creative and moral personalities to the society in the process of effective learning and teaching.

Our Vision

Love Your school
Love Your parents
Love Your Motherland

Why study at St. Joseph's College?

LMS Facilities

Online resources for self-study are provided to our school's students through our learning management system.

Library Facilities

Our library has more than 20000 books written for a wide range of subjects including science, entertainment, and literature.

Qualified Teachers

Qualified teachers with good practice in the field of education are available for all subjects in our school.

Sport Facilities

Our school provides guidance for some world famous sports including cricket, rugby, football, chess and extracurricular activities like cadeting and scouting.

Swimming Pool Facilities

Our school has a top-class swimming pool facility dedicated to the sports activities of the school students.

Religious Observances Facilities

A school where all children work in harmony, we have facilities for Buddhist and Christian religious observances in our school.


Congratulations to St. Joseph's College!

Congratulations to St. Joseph's College!

34 වැනි උතුරුමැද කලා උළෙ‌ලේ ළමා නාට්‍ය ප්‍රථම ස්ථානය

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Congratulations to St. Joseph's College!

Congratulations to St. Joseph's College!

ශාන්ත ජෝසප් විද්‍යාලයේ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ සිංහල වාද විවාද කණ්ඩායම උතුරු මැද පළාත් සංස්කෘතික දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව විසින් සංවිධානය කරන ලද සංස්කෘතික උළෙලත් සමඟ පැවති පාසල් අතර වාද විවාද තරගාවලියේ ශූරතාව දිනා ගත්තේය.

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පාපන්දුවෙන් ජයකෙළි නැංවු සිසුන් සාපෙළින් ජයකෙළි නංවයි

පාපන්දුවෙන් ජයකෙළි නැංවු සිසුන් සාපෙළින් ජයකෙළි නංවයි

2023 සාපෙළ විභාගයෙන් විෂයන් 9 යටම A සමාර්ත 9 ලබා ගනිමින් පාපන්දුවෙන් පමණක් නොව සාපෙළ විභාගයෙන් ද ශාන්ත ජෝශප් විද්‍යාලය ජයකෙළි නංවයි.

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Connect with our school now in any way convenient for you. We will respond to your problems as soon as possible to provide you with quality service.